Also Known as May Merisi
Elizabeth Hobgood (September 26, 2000 to April 20, 2001)
FBI agent
Chicago, Illinois
Single/Never Been Married
Danny Santos (affair)
Rick Bauer (flirted)
Frank Cooper (flirted)
Eavesdropped on a business discussion of Tony and Danny Santos [January 12, 2001]
May Merisi, a cigarette girl, first came to Danny Santos' s attention when his wife left town. The owner of Millennium, the club where May worked, Danny was attracted to May's complete innocence. Danny never met anyone like May before. She was completely naïve, so idealistic and Danny was very interested in knowing more about her. Before he knew it, out of loneliness, Danny and May made love. Danny wasn't the only one under her spell. Detective Frank Cooper and Dr. Rick Bauer both had crushes on this beguiling cigarette girl. Later, when Michelle, Danny's wife, returned to town, May felt compelled to reveal the truth about their affair. Touched by her honesty, Michelle and Danny remained friends with May. Meanwhile, May spurned Rick's advances since he was still married to his estranged wife, Abby Blume. Wanting to pursue a future with May, Rick filed for divorce.
It was then discovered that May wasn't quite so honest after all. May was actually FBI agent Mary Murto, and her job was to nail Danny for his mob related activities. When May's cover was blown, she tried to encourage Michelle to get Danny to testify against the other mob families. However, when Danny refused, Michelle married him to keep from testifying against him. Struggling to save her investigation, Mary tried to convince Danny to testify against the other families in Springfield in exchange for the FBI's protection. Unfortunately, Danny wasn't convinced of the FBI's ability to protect his family and he refused to testify against the other mob families. When Mary's boss, Gus Aitoro, took over the investigation, Mary left Springfield.
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